To set up a Ford Fleet Account
To set up a Ford Fleet Account you must register for a Fleet Identification Number (FIN code). To be eligible for a FIN code you must meet the following requirements:
If you are a Commercial, Rental, Management or Fleet Utility company , you must have purchased, registered or leased 5 or more NEW vehicles (any make or model) in the company name during the current model year or within the last 12 months. OR you currently operate a fleet of 15 or more vehicles, any make or model, (owned or leased) in the company name.
If you are a Government Agency , you must have purchased, registered or leased 1 new vehicle (any make or model) in the agency name during the current model year or within the last 12 months. OR you currently operate a fleet of 3 or more vehicles (owned or leased) in an agency name.
If you are a Taxi Company , you must have purchased, registered or leased 2 or more vehicles (any make or model) during the last model year or currently operate a fleet of 5 or more vehicles.
If you are a Limousine, Livery or Funeral Company , the following documentation is required: a For-Hire Permit, Livery License or Letter of Intent, in either your company or personal name. No minimum vehicle requirement.
How to Apply for a FIN
Step 1 : To contact us, please complete the online FIN Registration form or call the Ford Fleet Customer Information Center (FCIC) at 1-800-34-FIN (1-800-343-5338), Option 1, Select 1.
Step 2 : When your documentation has been received and verified by the FIN team, your FIN code will be activated. Please note : You will be asked to provide proof of ownership of the vehicles in your fleet. Documentation can be faxed to (313) 390-4829. Types of documentation required: New vehicle orders. Current vehicle registrations. Insurance schedule. Lease agreements. Billing statements from a leasing company. New titles.
Step 3: When verification is complete and concluded, you will receive a nice package through the mail, containing your FIN code, an access code for web registration and a list of incentives for the year. As a fleet customer, you and your company will have access to exclusive benefits, tailored specifically for the Ford fleet: Fleet incentive and program information. Advance communication of product information. Vehicle option availability. Vehicle order status and scheduling. Scheduling and priority assignment.